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DSCN3185Installation of Hussain Aga Khan: Focused On Nature.

Thanks to Jeff for all his help.

HAK Install 1

HAK Install 2

Join us this first Friday for the public opening of Hussain Aga Khan’s Focused On Nature.

From his global travels Hussain Aga Khan has been able to capture exotic creatures in their natural habitats from every corner of the world. Khan displays 52 digital prints, ranging in size from 11” x 15” to 38” x 42”. The resultant effect of the larger print sizes envelopes his viewer within the scene, where they are asked to contemplate the importance of our planet’s rich diversity.

Hussain Aga Khan asks us to view the work not through the lexicon of ‘the perfect print’ or in relationship to fine arts photography; instead, he brings to us vibrant, lively photographs of nature and animals, during a time of rapid environmental degeneration – a time when we need to see it most. Hussain hopes that we can share his understanding that every one of these animals and their homes are incredible and irreplaceable and need to be protected as such.

In connection with the exhibition, Hussain has initiated a children’s art educational summer camp with the After School Activities Partnership (ASAP) and the Caring People Alliance to help children learn about art and create their own.  The program is a month long course where professional artists will be working with students ages 10-13. The campers will be taught to use digital cameras, and travel on field trips in Pennsylvania and New Jersey to animal sanctuaries and other points of interest related to environmental preservation. For more information about Hussain Aga Khan and these programs you can visit

First Friday runs from 6-9 pm.

249 Arch (Corner of Third and Arch)

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